Proplate supplies all the straps used in Liebherr-Werk Nenzing cranes. The crawler cranes, manufactured in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg, are used worldwide in industries that require safe lifting, such as wind power and construction. The straps are critical components since they are the component that is subject to the greatest loads.

Markus Bösch, Supply Department Head, Liebherr-Werk Nenzing.
“Our clients expect safety, first and foremost. They need to be assured that our products meet their expectations in terms of quality and safety,” says Markus Bösch, Supply Department Head, Liebherr- Werk Nenzing.
Next to quality, reliable delivery is most important for Liebherr.
“In a rapidly evolving market, we must be able to prioritize and meet customer deadlines. We must constantly adapt to the market. Therefore, we are very pleased to have suppliers that are both very flexible and meet our quality requirements,” explains Markus Bösch.
“Proplate is so well-structured, that they can meet our demands within short time.”
Proplate’s optimized manufacturing process allows for cost-effective production, even in a high-cost country. The collaboration has contributed strongly to Proplate reaching its current market position and its employees are proud to be a supplier to Liebherr.
“With Liebherr as a customer, we must challenge ourselves every day to meet their high standards. It is one of the driving forces forces in our business and we constantly strive to become even better and find new and more effective solutions,” says CEO Max Björk.
Both companies agree a supplier must be open to accepting new challenges and working in a solution-oriented way. An example of this is the trend towards Liebherr’s customers requesting cranes be painted in their own corporate colours. Purchasing these customized straps is an organizational challenge for Liebherr.
– Our customers are used to short reaction times from us. Thanks to Proplate’s flexibility and understanding of our organization, we can get this done without significantly impacting our own internal processes, explains Bösch.
Liebherr cites Proplate’s qualified and motivated employees as an important part in the success, and a factor that has contributed greatly to the companies’ longstanding collaboration.
– When it comes to meeting challenges, highly motivated and dedicated employees are always ready at Proplate, concludes Bösch.
The plant in Nenzing was founded in 1976 as part of the Liebherr Group. Today, the approximately 1,700 employees working at the Nenzing location develop, produce and sell crawler cranes with loading capacities of up to 300 tonnes, duty cycle crawler cranes as well as piling and drilling rigs for deep foundation applications. Liebherr, a family business founded in 1949, is not only one of the world’s leading crane manufacturers—it also supplies technically innovative and userfriendly products in numerous other fields. Over the years, the family-owned business has expanded into a corporate group, and now employs over 41,000 peoples in more than 130 companies across the world.
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