
Home » Processes » Assembly

Our steel part assembly services are part of our commitment to deliver value to our customers’ production chain. As part of our assembly service, we offer both welding and physical assembly of steel parts, from lifting straps to anchor cages, to remove cost and time from your own production, and deliver application-ready assemblies directly to your site.

Welding and manual assembly of steel parts

We offer both manual assembly and welding of your steel parts, including both manual and automated welding.

Ready-to-use steel assemblies for  shorter lead time

Our pre-assembled solutions simplify assembly work and save on costly worksite expenses. Instead of assembling industrial parts in your own facilities or at a subcontractor, or even on-site in the case of anchor cages, we’ll assemble it prior to delivery. We offer this so you can save time, cost and best utilize your resources across other parts of your production.

At our 59,000 m2 facilities, we are equipped to offer high-capacity assembly of industrial components. For example, we pre-assemble as many as half of the crane lifting straps which we deliver to our customers. For our wind turbine customers, we deliver many of our anchor cages in pre-assembled sections, which saves costly on-site expenses and provides a safer working environment on site.

As part of our assembly services, we’ll work directly with your sub-contractors to facilitate delivery of all required parts. We’ll take care of your production, so you can take care of your business.

Contact me for more information

Ian Hardy

Ian Hardy

COO, North America

  +44 7809 443306

Skanska – Quicker setup with pre-assembled anchor cages

Skanska – Quicker setup with pre-assembled anchor cages

Skanska was commissioned to cast 22 concrete foundations in a new wind farm in the West Gothland municipality of Lyrestad, a few years ago. With Proplate's prefabricated anchor cages, the international construction company was able to save time and money while...

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LIEBHERR – With a common goal: The customer in focus

LIEBHERR – With a common goal: The customer in focus

Proplate supplies all the straps used in Liebherr-Werk Nenzing cranes. The crawler cranes, manufactured in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg, are used worldwide in industries that require safe lifting, such as wind power and construction. The straps are critical...

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150 years in the steel business

150 years in the steel business

From anvil to automation. ​This year, the family group that Proplate is a part of, celebrates 150 years. It all started in 1869, when forge master Per Andersson took his master craftsman’s certificate.

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