Proplate to secure wind turbines in Torshavn on the Faroe Islands.

In an all-Nordic project, Proplate is supplying anchor cages for six Vestas V117-4.2 MW turbines, that will contribute to increased renewable energy in the Faroe Islands.

“It is a project with several Nordic suppliers, where Proplate is delivering anchor cages for the foundations,” said Johan Törnqvist, Senior Technical Manager at Proplate. “The 100 mm thick plate for the baskets’ anchor rings comes from SSAB, our neighbor here in Oxelösund, and the 3,5 meter long bolts are manufactured in Denmark.”

At the end of May, the bolt baskets , that each weigh 15 tonnes and measure 4,5 m in diameter, will be shipped from Proplate in practical “flat packages” that include all components for the basket – everything for a smooth assembly out at the wind farm in Torshavn. Once in place, the installation of the turbine foundations will be carried out by our customer Stenger Ibsen Construction.

Read more about our solutions for wind turbine foundations here.

Contact me for more information

Josefine Lilja

Josefine Lilja

Communications Manager

  +46 10 19 54 115
  +46 70 898 85 82

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